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Physical Therapy

  • Therapeutic exercise photo

    Therapeutic exercise prescription is a plan of physical activities or exercises that are specifically designed to overcome physical limitations, alleviate pain, and improve functional abilities. This type of exercise prescription is meant to help patients with injuries, chronic health conditions, or musculoskeletal disorders regain strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance.

    The therapeutic exercise prescription typically includes a combination of exercises that are focused on strengthening muscles, improving range of motion, increasing flexibility, and restoring balance. These exercises may include resistance training (using weights or resistance bands), stretching, low-impact cardiovascular exercises, and functional movements tailored to specific tasks or activities.

  • Running Analysis photo

    A running analysis is a detailed evaluation of your running technique and biomechanics. Based on the results of the analysis, the physical therapist will create a personalized treatment plan including specific strengthening exercises and mobility work to improve your running form and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Post injury or surgery fitness programming

    Post injury or surgery fitness programming involves designing exercise and rehabilitation plans to help individuals recover from injuries or surgeries and then optimize their performance after they would traditionally be discharged from therapy. The program is tailored to meet the needs of each person based on their specific injury, medical history, age, fitness level, and lifestyle. The primary goal of post-injury or surgery fitness programming is to improve mobility, flexibility, strength, and overall function of the affected area to return to activity-specific goals. The program typically includes a combination of resistance training, cardiovascular exercises, mobilization, and movement therapies. The intensity, frequency, and duration of the exercises are gradually increased as the individual progresses in their recovery, and new exercises are added to challenge the muscles and prevent injury recurrence. In addition, our holistic approach can incorporate various techniques like pain management, stress reduction, and nutrition counseling to optimize the healing process. The ultimate aim is to promote full recovery, improve quality of life, and help individuals not only regain their pre-injury level of function but optimize that function and prevent future injury!

  • Dry Needling

    Dry Needling is a technique used by Physical Therapists to treat muscle pain and tension. In this procedure, a thin needle is inserted into trigger points or knots in the muscles to release them and reduce pain. It works by causing a localized twitch response that then releases the tension from the muscle. This technique is often used in combination with other therapies like stretching and exercise to improve the overall functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Myofascial decompression

    Myofascial decompression or cupping is a soft tissue manual therapy that involves the use of suctioning through negative pressure. This vacuum effect helps to lift up underlying tissues including fascia, muscles, and blood vessels closer to the surface of the skin. This technique can help reduce pain with inhibitory neural pathways, alternating pain thresholds. It increases blood flow to promote healing, reduces tension in tissues and passively stretches soft tissues.

  • IASTM/Scraping

    IASTM or Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization works similarly to a standard massage but with the use of tools or instruments instead of hands. These instruments allow for more targeted treatment of hard to get areas and allow for deeper tissue to be accessed. The therapist can manipulate the skin, fascia, muscles and tendons by using various direct compressive stroke techniques. The technique stimulates a local inflammatory response, increasing blood flow to facilitate healing and remodeling of soft tissues.

  • Manual therapy

    The techniques used in manual therapy vary depending on the patient's needs and condition, but may include joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, stretching, and manipulation. Joint mobilization involves gently moving the joints in a controlled manner, while soft tissue massage targets muscles, tendons, and ligaments to reduce pain and improve flexibility. Stretching and manipulation techniques are used to improve joint mobility and reduce stiffness.

Movement screening for injury prevention and performance optimization. From running to lifting and balance. How does your movement affect your everyday life and how can we work to optimize it in a pain free way! 

Movement Analysis


Telehealth physical therapy is a convenient and effective way to receive physical therapy services from the comfort of your own home. With telehealth, you can connect with us via video chat to receive a personalized treatment plan and exercises to help you recover from an injury, improve your strength and flexibility, or manage chronic pain. Telehealth therapy services still include all detailed medical history reviews, posture analysis, visual examinations and individualized plans of care.

Nutrition Consultation

Our nutrition consultation service is a personalized approach to helping you reach your health and wellness goals. We work with you to create a plan that is tailored to your individual needs, lifestyle, and preferences. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your health history, current diet, and fitness goals. We will also assess your dietary needs and preferences. Based on this information, we will develop a personalized nutrition plan that is designed to help you reach your goals. We offer introductory plans as well as monthly plans, tailored to your needs, contact for more details!

Nutrition plans and or coaching can include:

  • A personalized meal plan

  • Recipes

  • Shopping lists

  • Tips for meal preparation and cooking

  • Guidance on how to make healthy choices at restaurants

  • Support and accountability

Workshop Training

Book workshops for your gym, office or team with personalized options. Workshops available for in person or virtually as well as the ability to bring personalized presentations to fit your needs! Contact for details. Or visit our website to view up and coming workshops near you!

Where movement becomes your mantra too!

So what happens after you are feeling better and have completed your therapy? Do the same old habits kick back in or forget about all the things you have learned in therapy? We help to keep you accountable and moving towards your performance goals. We work hard to keep ahead of any potential injuries, maintain your fitness, recover well and optimize your movement for the long term.


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